Countdown to LuckyFABB: Say YES!
10 Days to Luckyfabb by theclosetbychristie on Polyvore
LuckyFABB is just 10 days away! And I couldn’t be more excited and honored to be given the opportunity to attend this year. This is my Countdown To LuckyFABB series, where I’ll bring you along on my journey to preparing for this fabulous event. Now, if you’re a fellow blogger or even a professional attending large or small networking events, you can benefit from following this series. This is where you can learn from my own personal experiences; whether I got it right or terribly wrong, there’s always a lesson worth learning.
So I’ve decided since I’m attending this huge conference and it’s such a wonderful opportunity, I’m going to really seize every moment. Have you ever seen the Jim Carrey movie Yes Man? I saw it years ago and there’s really something to saying ‘yes.’ I started saying ‘yes’ to things that I normally would have said ‘no thanks’ to and I discovered that things can be different than they seem. By saying ‘yes,’ you may be very surprised at what you’ll discover! You may realize a hidden talent or interest, or you may even meet someone new. I’ve chosen to make ‘YES’ my mantra!
As the conference is approaching, I’m starting to get invitations to pre and post events. When I received an email about the Paul Mitchell Pre-FABB Soiree, it took me two seconds to hit reply and say ‘YES.’ Next, I received an email about a lunch hosted by Barbie with a workshop about her affect on pop-culture and my response was yes! The possibilities are endless when I say yes!
I challenge you to say ‘yes’ in your life! By saying yes, you are inviting endless opportunities into your life. You never know what you’ll find!
This is such a great idea, Christie! I was so excited to attend the conference and then I realized that I had a big project due that week so I wouldn't be able to get away from my job after all. I'm so happy that you're making the most of the conference though and I can't wait to read more about it and what you're learning as Lucky FABB gets closer. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Melanie! I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to make it! But I'm thrilled to learn that you are enjoying my countdown. Following the conference, I'm going to do some coverage on the highlights. Stay tuned!
I am going to this luckyfabb event too and Im so excited! how did you get invited to the other events if you dont mind me asking (:
Hi Lina! I'm excited that you'll be attending the conference, too. Maybe we can meet-up! I got invited to other events by email. I'm on the list for the Paul Mitchell pre-event, but the Barbie luncheon ended up filling up (even though I replied within an hour of receiving the email.. bummer!). I wonder if they're inviting people based on the ticket they purchased. I got the 'all access' ticket.
Hi Christie!
I would love to connect with you tomorrow at #LuckyFabb!
Hi Kaps!
Sorry, I'm just seeing this now! I'll be sure to check out your blog, though! Thanks for stopping by mine!
Keep in touch!