5 Grocery Store Habits of the Skinny Girl
1- Stick to your list: Create a shopping list before you go to the store and stick to it! This will help you resist the temptation to buy those yummy chocolate chip cookies!
2- Shop the perimeter: Grocery stores are universally the same layout… for the most part. If you’re trying to stay healthy, stick to the perimeter. That’s where they keep all the good stuff! They reserve the middle for junk.
3- Plan meals in advance: This will help you save time! You will end up spending less time at the store because you prepared. And you’ll be less likely to veer off your course to health!
4- Read the ingredients: This is key! That nutrition box can look a little intimidating, but it’s really pretty simple. Particularly with a ‘clean eating’ diet, you’ll want to choose foods with minimal ingredients. If there’s a large list of ingredients you’ve never heard of, it’s probably something you want to avoid.
5- Relax! I’ve always been a ‘get in and get out’ type of grocery shopper. I don’t like to waste any time. I would rather spend my spare time doing something fun! But the truth is, it’s not a race. Slow down and breathe! You’ll be happy you did. You’ll make smarter choices!
These are great tips, especially the one about sticking to the perimeter. All of the "crap" is in the middle of the store, which actually makes it easier to avoid because you don't have to walk by any of it if you don't want to.
xo Jackie
Something About That
Great tips!! I always try to stick to the perimeter as well!
This is fabulous ! I know just with your blog you can be a fantastic coach ! I csnt wait to see your results !