Our Year In Photos: Reflecting On Lessons Learned
It’s almost 2015! Can you believe another year has gone by? As we look ahead towards 2015- a year we hope to be successful, happy, and healthy- it’s important to reflect on the past year to acknowledge and celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes or misfortunes.
2014 was a pretty good year for me and I didn’t realize until now just how awesome it was! I looked back at memories that seemed like ancient history and said ‘wow, that was this year?’ A lot was packed into these 12 months! Take a look–
I have always been career-focused and ambitious, so these milestones are important to me. It’s so easy to achieve and then quickly move onto the next goal, but we should all celebrate the stops along the way. How will we ever be successful if we don’t look back and evaluate what was great and what wasn’t so great?
– Earned a promotion! It was exciting to move onto a new role with new responsibilities.
– Planned and executed a large grand re-opening party for the hotel I work at
(with a fantastic team, of course!)
– Met Ariana Huffington at a book signing event
– Thoroughly enjoyed the many fabulous and talented colleagues I am so lucky to work with
– Learned valuable skills and improved old skills
This blog has taken me on many exciting, unexpected adventures and this year was no exception!
– Celebrated a one-year blogiversary in January
– Attended the Lucky FABB West conference and met Eva Chen!
– Vacationed in Los Angeles alongside two fabulous bloggers- Alexandra from Glory Boon
and Monica from Jersey Girl, Texan Heart
– Attended the Lucky Magazine and Movado New York Fashion Week event
– Upgraded to my own ‘dot com’ domain and improved our look
And of course, this year would not have been this amazing without all of the people in my life!
– Attended many weddings, including that of two of my closest friends
– Made a lot of fabulous memories with friends and family, including Paisley
– Attended blogger meet-ups and made some really incredible new friends
We just never know what’s going to happen next. 2015 could bring anything! One big goal of mine for this coming year is to learn and practice photography and videography using my new camera. I have been having a blast for the past few weeks snapping the pictures in the collage above and calling myself an amateur photographer! I want to focus on my creative side by learning these skills, in addition to editing and graphic design.
A few lessons I learned…
– Just do it! Sometimes I play it safe and shy away from taking chances, but this year I practiced putting myself ‘out there’ and diving head first into new situations and opportunities.
– Never settle into comfort. I like to study and read about successful people, hoping to learn a thing or two. One thing that seemed to be a common theme is to always do things that challenge you and bring you outside of your box. As soon as you feel like you are juggling with ease, add another ball!
– It’s all about the people. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing- the only thing that matters is the people you are with!
What did you learn this year? What are your hopes for 2015?
Linking up with these fabulous ladies!
I love this post!! Congrats on all of your achievements! You're going places, girl! 🙂
Oh my gosh you had such a great year! I love the way you showed it off with the pics! And your pup is so stinkin cute!!! You're so right with the lessons you have learned – I love "it's all about the people!" So true! I'm playing catch up, but thank you so much for joining J and me for the Celebrate Southern Linkup! Cheers and Happy New Year! 🙂
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