Every few years, kimonos- or more specifically, floral kimonos- come back around. But THIS year, they're back and more bohemian than ever before! What makes them so boho-chic? It's all in the details. Some are longer in length- dusters- while others have fringe detailing or are just simply loose fitting. However you like your kimono, there's sure to be a style out there for you! Kimonos…
- Author: theclosetbychristie -
Friday Favorites Featuring Cage Rings
May 1, 2015 by theclosetbychristieCreated by theclosetbychristie on Polyvore Happy Weekend! I'm just loving all of the crazy jewelry trends we've been seeing in the past few year! Ear cuffs, 360 earrings, ear jackets, and now... cage rings! So, what exactly is a cage ring? Well, it's pretty much exactly as it sounds. It's a funky ring with bars in varying styles that sort of make your finger look like…
Hi Everybody! Today is an exciting day! I've been researching and practicing and thinking about starting a YouTube channel for a while now. Well, the day has finally come! I'm so very excited to take The Closet by Christie from the page to the screen because it expands my horizons a bit. It's a new challenge, the opportunity to learn new skills, and it's a risk…
About Christie

Christie is the twenty-something fashion expert & wardrobe stylist behind The Closet by Christie. Visit the 'About' page for more.
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